
BR1280SM |
- 4G LTE B1/B3/B5/B7/B8/B20 B1 (2100), B3 (1800), B5 (850), B7 (2600), B8 (900), B20 (800), 2G GSM 900/1800
- Supported protocol: FTP, HTTP, SMS
- Internal GSM-modem
- up to 12 digital inputs
- up to 3 pulse inputs (counters)
- 8 analog inputs (0-5V, 0-10V, 0-20mA, 4-20mA)
- 8 digital outputs
- 1 (3) input for Smartec SMT172 temp.sensor
- On-board power supply monitoring
- Notification using SMS messaging via cell phone
- Data Logging using GPRS / FTP / HTTP
- Control via SMS
- Module to Module communication and management
- Internal management without SMS
- Configuration from PC and SMS
- Remote firmware update via FTP
- Board size: 155x85mm
- DIN-Rail enclosure
- Monitoring software (optional)
- 4G LTE B1/B3/B5/B7/B8/B20 B1 (2100), B3 (1800), B5 (850), B7 (2600), B8 (900), B20 (800), 2G GSM 900/1800
- Supported protocol: FTP, HTTP, SMS
- Internal GSM-modem
- up to 6 digital inputs
- up to 2 pulse inputs (counters)
- 3 analog inputs (0-5V, 0-10V, 0-20mA, 4-20mA)
- 3 digital outputs
- 2 input for Smartec SMT172 temp.sensor
or support Sensirion SHT temperature and humidity sensors (optional).
- Notification using SMS messaging via cell phone
- Data Logging using GPRS / FTP / HTTP
- Control via SMS
- Module to Module communication and management
- Internal management without SMS
- Configuration from PC and SMS
- Remote firmware update via FTP
- Board size: 85x50mm
- FISCHER ELEKTRONIK AKG enclosure (optional)
- Monitoring software (optional)

BR1280SM hardware datasheet
BR1280SM software datasheet
PC BR1280SM programming software
FTP-CSV demo software for BR1280SM
PC BR1280SM-16A programming software

BR928DL Dataheet
BR928DL Software Dataheet
FTP-CSV demo software for BR028DL
BR928DL programming software